support john

I’m dreaming of and working on some really exciting and big things. But I’m only dreaming unless my friends own this with me. It’s your love, and giving that allows me to carry these truths of grace and identity another decade. Your gifts allow the dreams to get out of my head and onto paper or stages or screens. And that’s where the people who maybe have never heard the message of freedom in Christ might encounter Him for the first time. I am continually grateful for this opportunity. 

If you share this dream and are able to stand with me through one-time or regular monthly support, I will stand with you to carry this life-giving gift.

Thank you so much, dear friends. I can’t believe we get to do this together.


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Note: Checks can be mailed to's CPA:

Mark Springer
918 622-1405
5387 S. Sheridan Road
Tulsa, OK 74145

John Lynch Speaks is a registered 501 (c) 3 organization.