Depression Is Not Your Fault

Each of us carries some measure of damage from the Fall, and the trouble with depression is that it’s vulnerable to bad teaching and bad religion due to the victorious voice of the moralistic filter that gets added to scripture when it really isn't there. Bad preaching can beat you up. In fact, you can beat yourself up if you don't read this with a non-filter. There’s no condemnation in this book but a reader can read it with condemnation, a filter of shame or someone can do it for them. 

“The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17 (NASB)

So what's wrong with you? Why don't you get better?

“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; many will see and fear and will trust in the Lord.” Psalm 40:1-3 (NASB)

We can beat ourselves up and feel as if we have done something wrong. Maybe we think that “if I could just pull it together, I’d be better, and I’d be back with the team or back with the crowd.” I want to share these thoughts with you: 

Bad religion and shame mixed with depression is a double whammy. Bad theology, shame, and depression make for a toxic cocktail.

When I allow bad religion, moralism, law, or shame to beat me up in those moments where I think “I'm not enough and there's something wrong with me and nobody can get close,” it can feel like God's hiding from you. It can feel like God is disappointed in you and you’re a failure as a believer. It can feel like God has forgotten you. It can feel like God could heal, but either He doesn't love you enough, or He's not strong enough to do it. It can feel like depression must be some form of punishment for not getting your life together. It can feel like depression will only ever go away when you get fixed, you shape up and you figure something out. And that sends us into an even deeper place of darkness. 

If you hear nothing else in this series, hear these words: Depression is not character weakness and is not spiritual immaturity. Depression is never a punishment from God and it is not a sin. Depression is not because God doesn't love you enough. 

Depression is never because you are not enough; it is a result of the Fall and it’s not your fault. 

It's one of the finest expressions of heroism and trust for you to daily trust Jesus Christ. Even in the midst of that which you cannot explain or understand, which feels like it’s unraveling you, this is bravery against all darkness, and one day this will be revealed in the city where there is no need for artificial illumination. 

I love that. God's not playing you. He stands over you in the arena. Our God has experienced and experiences with you all that you are feeling. 

He chooses to stand right in the moment with you and feel all that you’re feeling. He will not let you feel it alone.

God is not indifferent to your pain. Some of the finest humans and some of the finest works of art and literature have been formed by those who suffer with depression. God is especially and uniquely proud of you. God has those who long to protect and stand with you, you just have to let them in. Remember what we said last time, do not hide away by yourself and think that you are doing anyone a favor. Lovers have to be able to meet a need, and they can only meet a need if you tell them what's going on. You're not a second-class Christian, and comfort comes in knowing that God hears you and is interacting with you even when you don't feel it. 

Even in the midst of this stuff, believe that our God has His arms around you and is holding you, whispering your name and saying, “I've got you,” even though the storm won't let you hear it.

By the way, we can still see Christ in you, even when you don't feel like it's visible. You, my friend, have a shame-free identity. You’re righteous, you're holy and you're right on time. I love these words:

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you.” 1 Peter 4:12 (NASB)

Testing, not temptation. Temptation is always trying to trip you up but testing is always for your benefit. He already knows the result which is for you, so you can know who you are. It's so that you get to see God revealing you. And you get to say, “Are you kidding me?” 

“But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may [especially] rejoice with exultation.” 1 Peter 4:13 (NASB)

Many of you will never see this until we get to the wedding feast of the Lamb where we will get to exult. I'll look over at you and we will exalt with exultation. That is going to be a day! 

John Lynch